Monday, January 18, 2010

So yesterday

I have three stars tattooed at the back of my neck. I got them a couple of years back when me and my closest three friends all decided we were gonna get these stars permanently inked. We each chose our own designs, all with very different styles, shapes, sizes and at different places on our bodies. But they all represent the same thing, our friendship that is never meant to die.

Crappy enough we've been spread out all over for a while now but at least two of them live in the UK so I'll be a little bit closer after my move. Me so happy. if I could just get the third one to come join us all the stars will be aligned at long last! Stupid girl has gone and fallen in love and is living with this stupid boy (who in fairness doesn't seem stupid at all but that's beside the point) instead of leaving the country. Stupid, stupid stupid. it wrong of me for secretly wishing she'll dump him and come join us instead? No. What am I saying? Of course I don't mean that. Or maybe. Just a little. When noone can hear and judge me for being all selfish. Then I mean it a lot. But for now I'm gonna be happy having 2 of 3 closer to me. I really miss them. Got to see one of them over the holidays but the other one, can't remember the last time we were together and I really really miss her.

Okay, getting sentimental now. No good. Til next time.


Steph said...

Aww, sounds like you've got some good besties there. Have fun.

Lisette said...

Förlåt men njae flytt ligger inte nära till hands. Men jag bearbetar han med jämna mellan rum så... Ok jo du vill visst att jag dumpar han så du kan få mig att komma över!!! Men jobbar på å ska spara pengar, han var borta två veckor i januari. i sommar är det min tur!!!Och btw, du är riktigt bra på att skriva!

Marie said...

Haha, som jag skrev, i hemlighet vill jag jag kanske det men i den fantasin dumpar du ju givetvis honom o inte tvärtom så då är det ju ok?? =P Ooo, kommer du i sommar blir jag en very lucky me! O mange tak! I aim to please!

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