Monday, January 4, 2010

Tram Drama

Let's hope I never get pregnant. Today I actually laughed out loud when a little kid got stuck between the doors getting on the tram. In my defense he was a very annyoing little brat who cut in front of me just as I was getting on so he had it coming. And his mum was no better. Had it been my kid I would at least have tried telling him that he could wait his turn getting on, maybe got on the tram by myself leaving him stranded outside all alone just to prove a point and teach the brat a lesson but nooooo, she just let him pull her by the hand, not minding who they accidently push out of the way in the process.

So when the kid got stuck between the doors and sligtly panicked I couldn't help myself. Let's just say the mother of this monster didn't look to impressed by my humour.

Before getting at my stop of I was also approached by a smelly drunk who tried making small talks with me and when I wouln't expand my conversations to more then the ever so nice: "-Please leave me alone" he started going on about me thinking I was the hottest bird on the tram and that I was actually not worth talking to and bla bla bla... Of course this didn't stop him from continuing his one sided conversation with me up until the joyful moment that I could get of. But hey, after all the christmas foods that are making me look pregnant with extremely fat twins maybe I should take compliments wherever I can find them??

Bootcamp for Ldn has officially begun.


Steph said...

I too attract all the lunatics on public transport. We must have signs on our foreheads stating "Whacko's welcome here".

The key is to avoid eye contact and constantly have your ipod on.

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