Saturday, March 6, 2010

Take a hint?

I live in one of the dodgier places of London. To me it's fine but some people won't even set foot here. Sure there are the occasional nutters walking around but even the poshest areas have those. Anyway, I don't feel unsafe here and so far nothing has happened to me. I did however get stalked walking in one of the "nicer" areas of London the other day.

I was walking from the bank to the tube station when I saw this guy walking towards me and who kept staring at me really intensely even as we walked passed each other. He must have turned around again cause after a few minutes he comes up from behind me and starts walking right next to me. He was so close we could have been mistaken for siamese twins, that's how bad it was.

At first I tried the friendly approach and just said politely;
- Can I help you?
stalker - Hi, what's your name?
me - Excuse me?
stalker - I want to get to know you. What's your name?
me - I'm sorry but I am really not interested and I don't have time for this.
stalker - Where are you going? I can walk with you and you can tell me everything about yourself.
(By this time I start getting really annoyed and realise the polite approach isn't gonna work. )
me - Can you please go away now? I just told you I am not interested.
stalker - But I really want to get to know you. Why won't you talk to me? I am a nice person, so where are you from?
me - Stop talking to me. Go away. I am NOT interested!! I am not gonna tell you again. Leave me alone!

I then quickly cut across the street just as the cars got the green light to go and before the guy had a chance to realise he got stuck on the other side. I then slipped into the station, got on the tube and kept looking over my shoulder the entire ride home to see if I was being stalked.

So to get to the point of this nonsense posting, it doesn't matter if you live in the posh area or the dodgy one. The nutters, weirdos and crazies are everywhere and they will find you even if you move.

This guy was actually really good looking but since I am already seeing the hottest guy in Ldn and since stalkers don't really do it for me he struck out! Since A doesn't know about the blog I can share with you that I am without a doubt falling and falling hard which scares the hell out of me. Hopefully I can manage to keep my fears in check and don't fuck this one up. Fingers crossed. Have a good sat!


mimi sioux said...

haha jag brukar ocksa bli 'stalkad'! eller nja mer nar jag var ny i london. kanske osar man ut nan slags i'm-innocent-and-naive-aura innan man vanjer sig?! innan man bygger upp tillrackligt med skinn pa nasan.
tyvarr har aldrig mina stalkers varit snygga pojkar.... ;)

Marie said...

haha, ja tror också att det är så. Jag ser alldeles för glad ut när jag går omkring o då är det tydligen ok att stalka mig o komma med alla möjliga förslag. men jag kan inte hjälpa det, jag är nyinflyttad i London o vill bara le hela tiden ju =)

fingers said...

Brilliant !!!
No stalkers will be able to crack the ingenious new code you've invented here.
It's unbreakable; it looks like rows of barbed wire to me...

Marie said...

fingers: ok, now I'm gonna be very blonde and stupid. what code???

Ces said...

Jag har tappat räkningen på hur många gånger jag blivit stalkad i London. En gång nästan på riktigt! Han dök upp på min busshållplats ett par gånger (han bor inte här)och även på bussen och skulle prata och bjuda ut mig. Riktigt läskigt.

Alla andra "ofarliga" stalkers går mig på nerverna. Ler jag inte och ber dig att dra åt helvete så är jag inte intresserad!:)

Anonymous said...

haha, japp du har sa ratt sa, jag ar fran krhamn!!

Hur lange har du varit i London och vad gor du har? Kul med lite fler manniskor fran krhamn har ;)

xx Linda

du ar 25 och jag 26... det borde betyda att jag vet vem du ar...hmm funderar... Jag kanner inte igen din bild..

Marie said...

Ces: oj, du har ju blivit stalkad på riktigt du! Folk ger sig inte lika lätt här har jag märkt. Man får riktigt be killarna dra åt helvete innan de inser att de faktiskt inte har en chans. Tur att man inte är rädd av sig =)

Linda: svarat i din blogg istället =)

mimi sioux said...

tack for jattesnall kommentar te min tavla :)

Lisette said...

Ha ha ha ha, det kanske var jobbigt men att få det beskrivet för en var riktigt roligt. Väntar med spänning på att få höra med om pöjken:)

Låter som du lever livet i vilket fall:) Kramen

mimi sioux said...

hej Marie.. tack igen for en jattefin kommentar!
Men tavlorna ar nog inte sa dyra som du tror! £30-50 brukar jag ge bort dem for bara :)
Om du vill kan du maila mig pa sa kan vi nog ordna nagot..
Ha det sa gott xx mimi

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